TABBED - traducción al árabe
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TABBED - traducción al árabe

Tabbed document interface; Tabbed browsing; Tabbed Document Interface; Browser tab; Tabbed browser; Tabs (gui); Tab (gui); Tabbed user interface; Tabbed; Tabs (GUI); Tabbed interface; Tabbed Browsing; New Tab; Tab (GUI); Tab (browser); Tabbed sheet; Tab view; Tabbed view; Tab stack; Tab stacking; Pinned tab; Property sheet
  • 50px
  • Example of a tabbed interface with two sets of tabs: Horizontal tabs, at the top, allow navigation to different pages within the [[Wiktionary]] [[website]]. Vertical tabs, to the left, represent languages in which a given spelling occurs, where the selected tab shows the word ''jam'' ('already') in [[Esperanto]].



قَبْضَة ; مِسَاك ; مَسْكَة ; مُسْكَة ; مِقْبَض

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Tab (interface)

In interface design, a tab is a graphical user interface object that allows multiple documents or panels to be contained within a single window, using tabs as a navigational widget for switching between sets of documents. It is an interface style most commonly associated with web browsers, web applications, text editors, and preference panes, with window managers, especially tiling window managers, being lesser known examples.

Tabs are modeled after traditional card tabs inserted in paper files or card indexes (in keeping with the desktop metaphor).

Tabs may appear in a horizontal bar or as a vertical list, of which the former takes typically less screen space whereas the latter can show more items at once while still having space for individual titles. Horizontal tabs may have multiple rows. Tabs may be organizable by changing their order through drag and drop or creating a separate window from an existing tab. Implementations may support range-selecting multiple tabs for moving, closing, and separating them.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para TABBED
1. worth our time to argue over that, to do that in a hyperlinked world, a tabbed world, the
Too Big to Know _ David Weinberger _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de TABBED
1. Already, this is squeezing money tabbed for personnel.
2. The book was tabbed at a spot containing information about ricin.
3. The firearms and the book, which was tabbed at a spot containing information about ricin, were seized Tuesday, police Capt.
4. Joseph Lombardo said at a press conference late Friday that the book was tabbed at a spot with information about ricin.
5. The new version comes amid growing competition from browsers such as Firefox, which has long offered functions such as tabbed browsing.